Tuesday, July 27, 2010

{TWD} Chewy, Chunky Blondies...better than you know what!

Oh, my.....
There are hardly any words to describe this...this...its more of an experience than a dessert.  No, there aren't any words to do it justice.  Just sounds.  It'll have you moaning and curling your toes before you've even swallowed your first bite.  Seriously.  So rich, and absolutely just too much to handle in the middle of the day.  You have to eat this at night, otherwise you'll feel guilty.  Don't ask why, its just one of those things.  Eat it while its still warm and gooey from the oven.  But its just as sinfully delicious the next day. 

p.s. only share this with the ones you truly love, or people will get the impression that you care more for them than you really do.  Its that good.

Chewy Chunky Blondies
Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan

Click HERE to visit Nicole of Cookies on Friday for the complete recipe.

***I left out the walnuts, but put in both heath bits AND butterscotch chips.  Divine.***


April said...

Ohhhh man that looks good. It's because of treats like this (and my intense love of baking) that my hubby and I are taking a hiatus from sweet stuff ... cause I tend to make things like this like once or twice a week. Not so great for the blood sugar... But so, so tasty!!

Rachel Jenkins said...

Sometimes I think you post this stuff on purpose so that I will instantly become hungry. It usually works! I am salivating right now! I want one!!!!!

Nicole said...

Butterscotch and toffee chips must have been amazing. Thanks for baking along with me this week.

Susan said...

What a fun and on target review!! These were fabulous. Make you moan out loud good. :)

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